Rosen Method aims to increase self knowledge through working both with mind and body – conscious and unconscious. It is done through gentle, listening touch.
As possible outcomes, one might notice physical pains being relieved, more confidence in expressing oneself to other people, clarity in life choices and ability to live in the present moment. This will allow us to live a life shaped more from our inner wishes, not just conforming to expectations coming from the outside.

My name is Niina Wider, I am a Rosen method practitioner in training. That means that I have completed the required courses and now I am working independently with regular meetings with my teacher. The training period lasts until I have done 350 sessions with clients.
Finnish is my native language and I speak also English and French fluently.
I work at three locations.
Pohjoiskatu 6, 80100 Joensuu
Suutarinkatu 9, 83500 Outokumpu
Fysikaalinen hoitola Terhakka, Välitie 2, 83700 Polvijärvi.
I am happy to tell you more about the method. You can also find more information about the method at the international Rosen Institute’s website.
I am looking forward to meeting You!
Niina Wider
Rosen Method practitioner in training
Lempeydestä Käsin
+358 40 71 51 641